With just a little over a week until the new book hits the shelves, things are getting exciting. But a few early-copies have gone out to press, friends, and friends in the press (I’m not telling). Somehow, a copy ended up in the hands of a man who, while being a true-blue GeekDad in his own right, can also say with all honesty that he’s not a mad scientist, but he played one on TV. And this picture explains why we love David Hewlett.
Great Review of Mad Scientist by GeekMom!
Thanks so much to Nicole Wakelin for her wonderful review of my new book!
Here’s a great quote:
Whether you’re looking to inspire a love of science in your young child, or to encourage an older child to hold on to their curiosity about how things work, this book is sure to give you ideas galore and hours of fun and educational entertainment.
And I Was on Tech News Today Today
I Was on Dr. Kiki’s Science Hour Today!
GeekDad Book(s) News!
I figured it was time for an overall update on the state of the GeekDad books. So much is happening with all three books, sometimes it’s hard to keep things straight. So here, in no particular order, are some tidbits:
- Book #3, The GeekDad’s Book for Aspiring Mad Scientists, hits store shelves 11/1/11 (palindrome!). On the very same day, Chris Hardwick’s The Nerdist Way comes out as well. I think we’ll have the whole geek/nerd spectrum covered.
- Book #1 is on sale in a Spanish version and a Brazilian/Portuguese version now.
- A Russian version of Book #1 is on its way.
- A UK English version of Book #1 is also on its way, due in early June, 2012.
- I’ll be at New York Comic-Con in October to support the books and GeekDad.
- I’ll be at the Wired holiday pop-up store in New York the Saturday after Thanksgiving for a GeekDad event. There will be books.
- I may be headed to the UK in early June, 2012 to support the launch of Book #1 there.
- The development of the GeekDad movie progresses. We have a director attached (Thor F., of Diary of a Wimpy Kid fame), and the producers are in talks with a writer who may have a solid story outline for us soon.
More news as it hit the wires. But all-in-all, a very exciting time!
Take a Step to the Right
Just a note from the webmaster (who is also the author): I’ve just successfully moved GeekDadBook.com, along with a number of my other domains and sites, consolidating multiple domain hosts and web hosts into just a two-shop setup (hover.com for the domains and fatcow.com for the web hosting). I believe I have earned my web-geek merit badge today. However, some things may still be broken around here, even as I streamline the site. For example, the Twitter widget in the corner is successful about 50% of the time. I’ve also abandoned the forums (no time to monitor them, and both the folks who were going to play admin for me had to move on to other things). All pertinent comments and questions will need to be asked in the comments to the book pages (accessed from the sidebar), or emailed directly to me.
Still, I’m really happy I got this done. W00t!