Have just learned that #geekdadbook is going for *another* reprint, bringing it up to 52k copies in print! Happy Holidays indeed!
Geek Dad Nominated for Books for a Better Life Award!
Geek Dad has been nominated for a Books for a Better Life award by the National MS Society in the category of Childcare/Parenting! To say the least, this is quite exciting. Ken has this to say about the nomination:
I’m totally gobsmacked by this nomination. I know the saying ‘it’s an honor just to be nominated’ is a stale old canard, but that’s just how I feel. I am grateful to the selection committee for considering my little tome worthy, and to the National MS Society for their tireless work in battling the disease. I’m so happy to be able to support them in this way.
We’ll keep you posted on the nomination. The awards will be held March 7, 2011 in New York.
About Books for a Better Life:
Since its inception in 1996, Books for a Better Life have recognized more than 500 self-improvement authors and has now raised more than $1.7 million for the New York City – Southern New York Chapter’s comprehensive support services and educational programs for people living with MS, their friends and families. The Awards recognize self-improvement authors whose messages are aligned with the chapter’s mission of inspiring people to live their best lives.
Good luck to all the nominees, and of course, to you, Ken!
GeekDad Book Giveaway via (un)paint
Laura over at (un)paint is giving away two copies of Geek Dad to her readers. Laura also enjoyed the book and had this to say about it:
It’s full of so many awesome projects for geek dads to do for and with their geek children. (And non-geeks too!) Most of the projects are pretty inexpensive and a lot of the supplies needed are things you may already have at home. It’s also nice that there are handy icons throughout the book letting you know the price range, difficulty, etc of each project.
Thanks, Laura! And here’s the details on the contest; for full info visit her blog:
Two winners will be selected to each receive one copy of Geek Dad by Ken Denmead. Giveaway ends Saturday, October 16, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. Make one comment for each entry. The winners will be selected at random and have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be selected, etc. Please make sure your email address is in your comment or blogger profile. Open to US and Canadian addresses only.
Geek Dad Book #2 is In the Works!
I’ve been a bit quiet over the last few weeks – my apologies. Turns out, book #1 was so well received that the publisher wants a second one – on the same schedule. Meaning where I had around nine months to write the first one, I have three for the second. Needless to say, it’s a crunch. But more great projects are coming – including a number of geeky celebrities adding their ideas. Stay tuned!
Plenty of copies of my …
Plenty of copies of my book available at our local B&N. Just not sure about the section it’s in. #geekdadbook http://yfrog.com/natmnqj
Hey, look! The Geek Dad …
Hey, look! The Geek Dad book is downunder at Babyology: http://bit.ly/9ucdPp #geekdadbook
Geek Dad Book Trailer is Live!
This video takes you right into the Geek Den with the Geek Dad himself, Ken Denmead. Don’t miss it!
I Suck At… Reviews GeekDad
From Mike Yee at I Suck At:
Last night, I finished reading Geek Dad by Ken Denmead. Now I suck at Geek Dad. For anyone curious, the book is about projects and activities that a “geeky” father can do with his children. Karen had stumbled upon the book one day and thought it would be a fitting book for me to read. (I am assuming that means she thinks I am a geek.)
We hope you have fun with the projects, Mike. And hopefully you won’t suck at any of them!
Electric Origami at MAKE
Here’s a little piece that features Ken’s electric origami project via MAKE:
It’s a starter origami project where you build a simple paper box with a built-in LED circuit, drawn with a conductive ink pen.
This would be a fun MAKEcation project to do with your kids. If you do any electronic origami, inspired by this, please tell us about it/link to photos in the comments below or in the project notes of Make: Projects.
Ooh, shiny origami!
Is at @peets trying to …
Is at @peets trying to keep on top of @wiredgeekdad and #geekdadbook stuff during lunch hour.