This week by the numbers.

#90 overall!
#1 in Home & Garden (because that’s where Crafts & Hobbies are)
#3 in Parenting & Families (“Shit my Dad Says” has the #1 & #2 spots there)
#5 in Science (don’t think I can knock the Atkins diet off)

American Booksellers Association
#31 in Paperback Nonfiction (unchanged from the prior week)

Kids Adventuring Blog Ongoing Coverage of Geek Dad

Chip over at is actually doing a whole series of posts as he works through my book, tries projects out, and (seemingly) enjoys the experience. I’m flabbergasted and delighted that he’s taking so much time with it, and having such an enriching experience (and that he’s sharing it with everyone). Check out his ruminations on being a geeky dad: Kids Adventuring Blog